Error: Can't create Lookup field, because "it already exists"?

I don’t understand this error, when I try to add a Lookup field and name it “Project” (but it works if I use a different name) –

Might be because the field in the other database itself is called Project, so I’m guessing it gives an error because it would be unclear whether you mean the Lookup field “Project” or the original field of the other database called “Project”.

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Must be something like that, since it works when using a different name, but I don’t know why the confusion on Fibery’s part is necessary. Maybe related to how things are being named internally…

I think I ran into something similar where I couldn’t name something “Task”, if I recall correctly. These seem to be reserved names internally to Fibery. Confirmation from the team would be helpful though.

Hi Oshyan

There are some hidden fields created for Databases used in Integrations but none of them are Task or Project. It looks like a bug with deleted Fields. Could you check in Audit Log that there is no deleted field for that database with that name?

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