Entity-based versus native for Docs, Comments & References

Some usecases I listed here: Add COMMENTS and REFERENCES to Feed - #21 by PsyRoelofs

But essentially a lot of it is to do that using notifications as the main discovery point into comments lead to a lot of issues for us as we scaled-up in Clickup.
We needed to setup various views to make sure that comments were not missed.
It’s all good when you can stay completely on top of your notifications, but as things happen more async, you start getting into an issue where you need to keep certain notifications semi-permanent for the fear of them falling out of scope and being lost forever.

I think it’s why Clickup has all sorts of filters specific to comments & assignments, and options to visualize the comments in views.

All of that UX is missing in Fibery, but would be available with Comments-as-Entities.