I’m having a lot of fun trying to setup Fibery in a way that works for us, but running into some roadblocks when it comes to actually using it for getting tasks/subtasks done in a sprint. I’m coming from ClickUp which makes it very easy to deal with subtasks.
Here’s the hierarchy I’m trying to model in a list/grid view:
– Task (relationship to Release)
— Subtask (self-referenced relationship to Task)
Since my first level is a “Release”, I’m not getting the “Group by the same database relation” option.
If I make the “Task” the first level, I can see the nested subtasks, but then I can’t easily see the important information that’s on the release (budget, client, etc)
If I create “Subtasks” as a completely separate database and then relate them to “Tasks”, I can also get the nesting I want, but then I need to create a whole set of other fields and relationships that make things very messy and complicated.
Am I missing something? Or is there a realistic workaround? It’s somewhat of a dealbreaker for us.
There is no easy solution to this, I’m afraid to say.
Currently, self-relations only work for the top-level database, but we do have a feature pending to support at the bottom level as well.
In the meantime, you could consider using a smart folder of Releases, with a hierarchical list/grid view of Tasks in each one.
Or you could configure the relation view for each Release to show the Tasks with self-relations enabled.
But neither of these will totally eliminate a degree of ‘context switching’, admittedly.
The other “workaround” is to get rid of the Release Type and roll all its fields into Task.
But seriously, keeping your current Type hierarchy where you can only display Releases and top-level Tasks in a View, it is a one-click operation to open any particular Task in the right-side panel, where you can see its subtasks.
And in that Task entity view, I believe the “subtasks” self-relation CAN show the fully-nested view of the subtasks tree.
Tasks can also easily show their subtask count, and can be color-coded according whether they have any subtasks.