Decimal conversion in formula

When adding formula scripts, it is difficult to handle decimal.
How to floor, ceil, or round decimal?
Decimal cannot be changed to string using ToText, so regex cannot be used.

I want to know the conversion function for decimal.

Finally we’ve added Round() function :slight_smile:

Round() functions

Round() function rounds a number to the specified number of decimal places. There are also two more:

RoundDown(number[, places])
Rounds a number down to the specified number of decimal places

RoundUp(number[, places])
Rounds a number up to the specified number of decimal places

Round(1.154, 1) → 1.2 
RoundDown(9.999, 2) → 9.99
RoundUp(12.001, 1) → 12.1

I’m using Round feature well!