Creating several entities at once


I need to create 168 different entities, each one with a different name. What’s the best way to do this?

random names you need?

Nope! I have a lists of the names, should I send it here?

The 10 first ones are:

A - SEG - 06:00 às 09:00
A - SEG - 08:30 às 11:30
A - SEG - 11:00 às 14:00
A - SEG - 13:30 às 16:30
A - SEG - 16:00 às 19:00
A - SEG - 18:30 às 21:30
A - TER - 06:00 às 09:00
A - TER - 08:30 às 11:30
A - TER - 11:00 às 14:00
A - TER - 13:30 às 16:30

AND there are fields inside the entities that I would love if they could be also automatically filled with the informations from the title…


Name: A - SEG - 06:00 às 09:00

Week: A
Weekday: Monday
Shift time: 06:00 - 09:00

It’s a database of volunteer work shifts…

The fastes way is to paste this list to rich edit field of any entity, make it an unordered list, select it all and create new entities from it

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…or copy paste into a table view
…or use CSV import

Then use automations (run once) to populate other fields using inference from the name field

Oh! I want to explore CSV import! Gonna try out here and will get back here if I have problems.

Thank you guys! =)


I manage to do it with CSV! Thank you.

Now I wanted to have a field of recurrent time. For example, for the shift:

Week: A
Weekday: Monday
Shift time: 06:00 - 09:00

The shift time field it’s a date time range field. So right now it’s Sep 02, 2024 06:00 → Sep 02, 2024 09:00. Is there a way to generate a “pure” time range out of this? In a way that

Week: A
Weekday: Monday
Shift time: 06:00 - 09:00


Week: C
Weekday: Wednesday
Shift time: 06:00 - 09:00

would have the same time range?

There’s no data type in Fibery for a time (without a date) so probably the only workaround is to use two (integer?) number fields to represent the start and end hours (if you need to calculate based on them).