Collapse All - Expand All in Nested Hierarchies

This has become an increasing issue with nested entities, the ability to collapse or expand hierarchical rows in table/list/board views.

See also


We mostly have large datasets in grid views. There it’s a real bummer that you can’t collapse/expand all entities at once. But also in other views it would be very helpful.

expand tree1

See above how it could look like.

The use case here is that with a nested tree of entities, some branches are expanded, others are collapsed. Manually expanding/collapsing them is tedious, so an option
Collapse Tree’ or ‘Expand Tree’ is useful in the right-click menu.
The nested tree UNDER the right-clicked entity would be expanding/collapsing.

Once, I had accidentally clicked “Expand All” over my node_modules folder in WebStorm IDE, and it made me very unhappy.

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