CHANGELOG: Nov 17 / Buttons: Ask user to provide value (+ kinda Batch Actions), Cell selection behavior in Table View

Buttons: Ask user to provide value

Buttons just became much more powerful :muscle:. Now users can provide values for action execution. Imagine you can create Buttons to write custom comments, assign people, change all possible fields, etc.

Click the options menu … near control you would like to be filled by the user and select Ask User. You may select this option for several controls.

This is the very basic action to add a new comment:

2021-11-12 13.37.13

And in this action a user sets Assignees, State and Projects for all selected entities (it’s a batch update in fact :heart_eyes:).

Read the guide and invent your own actions.

Cell selection behavior in Table View is good now

For a long time we couldn’t understand what is wrong with the Table View. Then some user gave us feedback about cell selection. And that was it. It was really hard to select any cell since click just opens an editor. Now we changed it and cells behavior is good, finally.

2021-11-17 11.32.46

Space/Database renaming improved

Now you can find renaming easily and change colors/icons right away:

2021-11-17 14.06.18


  • Open all documents in Narrow Mode by default
  • Remove Delete Entity action from context menu in inner list (some people deleted entities instead of unlink them…)

Fixed bugs :shrimp:

  • It’s not clear that Space/Database name is editable
  • Exclude rich-text, Files & Comments columns from table export
  • It’s impossible to open rich-text in the table if entities are forced to open in sidebar
  • Table View: New button generates many entities if Name is not the first column
  • Whiteboard: Arrows on connection line disappear once it connected to any object
  • Allow Creators edit units on collection lists

Great Changes! :muscle:
thanks for removing the delete action!

One question regarding the ask user to provide value - Any plans to add it to regular automation (Not just buttons )? Use case - when the user moves a task to a closed state I would like him to update a closing reason ( from a single select field)


Hi, @Shlomi_Dagan

Thanks for feedback. We will think about that, but it becomes complicated if the task is moved by system or other rule, in other words if the action was not caused by the user interaction and there is no user to show the popup which should be shown anyway.


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Ya I Assumed that’s an issue but there are a few ways to resolve it - from the user side, make sure the other roles include auto-population of the field. ( This is exactly what I’m going to do on my use case)

From Fibery side the easy one is to let the admin set a “default” value for automation or leave the field blank and not show the popup

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It’s a tiny thing, but I am so glad to see this. It was driving me crazy. :joy:

Also the other updates are pretty great. :grin:

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@Oleg and @Shlomi_Dagan, I can also see this being very useful when creating new entities, for example inline in a rich text field or through calendar or card views. When entities are created this way, the user can’t immediately set any field values except the entity name unless they leave the current context and open the full entity view. This is particularly problematic for situation where the name of the entity is formula-driven in which case the user is unable to input any information and you end up with unnamed entities.

I understand the difficulty of dealing with cascading rules and situations when multiple users are on the same workspace (so who gets the input window). And I don’t have any good solutions. But I thought I mention another use case where I think this behaviour is helpful.


Indeed the creation of such entities is a nightmare from a UX point of view.
In the main entity, i have to type garbage letters so the search does not pick up an existing entity then create, the garbage text ks not kept since that name is derived from the formula, the alt click on the new empty entity to add the data that will be used for the name.
We should have a better solution than having to create customs buttons.

Eg: when a relationship is a list of formula names entities, add a button that trigger a new entity with a form that have all the fields used in the formula


Thank you for the “Buttons: Ask user to provide value” feature. I can now more easily update entities in the Board, Calendar, and Timeline views.

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Yes, perhaps it would be a nice fix if the ask-a-user-for-input could also be automatically triggered by entity creation if the name of the entity depends on the values of other (user entered) fields.


Formula-driven names are especially bad if your view is sorted. You have to type in nonsense to create an empty entity that then jumps away from you. Then you have to find it and plug in the fields to affect the name formula, then it jumps away again.

This would be a huge ease-of-use upgrade for my team. Is there a relevant idea for this that I could vote for?


Not that I am aware of. You’re welcome to create one :slight_smile: