Since views can be very specific (filtered) it would be quite useful to be able to name them to reflect their specific nature.
Hi, Matt!
But you can put the name manually - could you please share some cases, Formula name will work better?
@Polina_Zenevich , Use case:
When I create a Table view within a Smart Folder, to be visible for all entities, there are many “virtual” Views created (one for each entity). However, there is only one definition of this view, and therefore only one Name that is common to all.
I would like to give each of these "virtual " Table Views a unique name by formula, so I could include the entity name (or other fields from the specific entity).
Ah I see, that is a good point. If you have many “Open Tasks” views, each created in a smart folder for each entity, then searching for and referencing them from docs would be a little ambiguous.
The other reason that this is especially important for Views under Smart Folders, is that some people (like myself) rely heavily on their browser’s “address bar search” to quickly recall a specific window by searching for parts of the Window Title/URL.
For example, I want to recall a specific “Scope” Table view embedded deeply within a Smart Folder, under a specific “Client”. Because of these Views currently share the same name (they do not distinguish Client), they all have the same Window Title; thus I cannot distinguish them in my browser history, so I cannot search for a specific one.
If I could customize the View Name then I would add the Client Name to the View name, and then its Windows title could be unique within the Smart Folder. Then I would be able to quickly recall it from my browser search by typing just a few letters of the Client name and the View name (e.g. “scope”), plus maybe “fibery” if I need more disambiguation.
If you know some words from the URL and/or title, this is a very powerful method of quickly finding a specific page among thousands, when knowing very little info about the target – especially since the browser gives instantaneous feedback on the best matches as you type.