Allow for making formulas multi-line in formula editor

Using Google Sheets as an example you can do this via Alt + Enter and it allows for easier viewing and editing of nested formulas:


In Fibery it would be really nice if I could restructure this dense single line formula:

If(IsEmpty([Business Name]), [Contact Name], If(IsEmpty([Contact Name]), [Business Name], [Contact Name] + " (" + [Business Name] + ")"))

Into this easier to read formula:

If(IsEmpty([Business Name]), [Contact Name],
  If(IsEmpty([Contact Name]), [Business Name],
    [Contact Name] + " (" + [Business Name] + ")"

:100: Readable code rocks :sunglasses:

The reports (vizydrop) has this and it’s most pleasant.

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It seems to me that this is really a bug because it could be done in previous versions by pressing shift + enter.

The problem is that in the database view pressing shift + enter creates a new entity instead of a line in the formula.

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I wish Fibery would just stop reformatting my code – both in Formulas and in Scripts! :unamused:

It just makes for more work when I have to reformat it again to figure out what’s going on.

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