I guess I’ve previously indicated that I’m not a big fan of unnecessary (static) Lookup fields because I feel that they clutter my entities unnecessarily.
Hence, I love Formulae and the flexibility and dynamic manipulation possibilities they give. The main place I find them missing at this point are in View Filters.
I’d love to be able to:
- Display only features with “must have” user stories in a given sprint
- Tasks that were completed between three weeks and two weeks ago (a little construed but right now I’m relying on the predefined options)
- Tasks that are in a “final” (or even custom) state
All these things would be possible the moment I can use formulae in Filters. You have most of the pieces already in place and I hope this will be added soon. Just not sure if that’ll impact performance but I would think with GraphQL underneath there should be no impact filtering on the fly?
PS: Not sure, if this is actually a duplicate of this FRQ.