Whiteboard-like Automations Setup/Builder

Given that the current automations do not have options for forking/looping/batching etc. how would a ‘logical diagram of triggers, filter and actions’ look different from a simple list of items (which is the current UI)?

Obviously, if Fibery developed the same level of power as make/Zapier, then maybe diagrammatic representation become necessary (although Zapier’s UI does seem to simply be a linear series of blocks).

I would also comment that my experience tends to be that people who ‘think visually’ can’t imagine that there are other people out there who prefer more textual representations (and vice versa) so I am always cautious making assumptions about what an ‘average user’ might prefer.

Perhaps you can point to elements of the current UI which you consider ‘too complex’, and if you have ideas for how to simplify (without inhibiting the power) then please share them.

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