Video game studio hoping that Fibery is the solution!

Their button is pretty powerful. It uses JavaScript (executes in NodeJS v12) that you code yourself.

  1. Yes. You can also use any commands found in their API inside buttons via a method not documented there called executeSingleCommand. See an example usage here. They also have an easier to use API available that has a createEntity method. Not sure if the new entity is returned, as per their documentation it says it returns nothing—although not sure if that is correct anymore? Edit: Indeed it returns all the data of the new entity.
    To populate with values however you either need multiple calls, or you can use the API to create and set everything all at once. Edit: All fields of the entity can be set on creation too.
  2. I am not sure, but likely. I have not used the API interaction with rich text fields yet. I would guess it is possible somehow? Pretty much anything can be searched for or written via the API. I do know that the rich text field itself is available as I have seen it, but under the name “Collaborative document” or something.
  3. Most likely. The button API also has an external request function available inside the button API. I use this external call function on a webhook link to create a notification in our MS Teams channel when someone click the “Mark as complete” button (it also does other stuff at the same time!).

You can take a look at the Button API documentation and some examples to get an idea of what’s possible with buttons.

Overall, I think it should be very possible, but require a lot of code to be written on your end.