Just saw the monthly update from @mdubakov and it inspired this feature request.
The required fields (above) is a good first step in what we’re missing in our workspace, which is what I would call validations.
Validation is where a user is not allowed to take certain actions unless another condition is fulfilled. A few examples:
- Only allow updating to state “done” when “rich text” field is not empty.
- Only allow creating a todo if the deadline is also entered
- When disapproving something (state = disapproved), a text modal appears where you need to state the reason why it’s disapproved.
- Forcing certain items to be marked as done in a certain order. Ideal for checklists, where you want somebody not to finish task 2 before task 1 is done.
- Only certain permission groups are allowed to update the budget field of a project
Some of these things are already possible with a bit of workaround, as @ChrisG already greatly helped us with. But would be ideal if this was natively possible, on a per-field basis. It probably intertwines quite a bit with permissions and automations, and maybe most of this is already possible, but I felt it deserved it’s own thing.