This script places an Embedly frame in the Description of an entity created by the Fibery Chrome extension

You are correct, it replaced the description field text. Here is a script that appends the Embedly at the top of the Description field, maintaining all content of it.

const fibery = context.getService('fibery');

for (const entity of args.currentEntities) {
    // Use the UUID for the template entity ID
    const templateEntityId = 'f8d9eee0-7192-11ee-b1a4-a584e4600b45';

    // Fetch the content of the 'Description' field from the template entity
    const templateEntity = await fibery.getEntityById('Y Web Resource', templateEntityId, ['Description']);
    const templateDescriptionContent = await fibery.getDocumentContent(templateEntity['Description'].Secret, 'html');
    console.log('Template Description Content:', templateDescriptionContent);

    // Fetch the current content of the 'Description' field from the entity
    const currentDescriptionContent = await fibery.getDocumentContent(entity['Description'].Secret, 'html');
    console.log('Current Description Content:', currentDescriptionContent);

    // Extract the first URL from the current description content
    const currentLink = currentDescriptionContent.match(/(https?:\/\/[^\s]+)/);
    console.log('Current Link:', currentLink);

    // Extract the URL from the template description content
    const templateLink = templateDescriptionContent.match(/(https?:\/\/[^\s]+)/);
    console.log('Template Link:', templateLink);

    // Replace the template URL with the current URL in the template description content
    const newTemplateDescriptionContent = templateDescriptionContent.replace(templateLink[0], currentLink[0]);
    console.log('New Template Description Content:', newTemplateDescriptionContent);

    // Append the modified template description content to the top of the current description content
    const newDescriptionContent = newTemplateDescriptionContent + currentDescriptionContent;
    console.log('New Description Content:', newDescriptionContent);

    // Update the 'Description' field of the entity with the new content
    await fibery.setDocumentContent(entity['Description'].Secret, newDescriptionContent, 'html');

  1. It fetches the first URL from the current entity’s Description field.
  2. It fetches the complete HTML content of the Template Description field.
  3. It extracts the URL from the Template Description field.
  4. It replaces the template URL with the current URL in the Template Description content.
  5. It appends the modified Template Description content to the top of the current entity’s Description field.

So this is the replacement of Script 2 mentioned before.

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