References to Views as a way to emulate Embedded Db's in Notion

This is, in fact, not actually correct, and speaks to the concern I had with your original proposal. For example, you cannot link to the “network view” in Roam. Why? Because it’s… a view. Not an object. Not a “thing”. It is a view of data, with controls for adjusting that view of data, but not necessarily something you treat as data. Same seems to me to be true in Fibery. View’s are… views. They are not holders of unique content or things with entity-type properties of their own. Not to say they absolutely shouldn’t be, just that this is how they have been treated and described so far, I believe.

In Notion you also can’t link to a specific view, as far as I know. You can link to a database, but not a specific view of that DB, unless it’s embedded in a page, in which case you’re linking the page not the “view”, really. At least this is all as I understand it. And in the case of linking to DBs there are no backlinks either, AFAIK.

Anyway, all of that being said, I can see your argument for this, but… I’m still not necessarily confident it’s the right approach. Even though my (next) proposal itself seems like a bit of a workaround. Which is that unlike Views - where I am less confident that they should have e.g. backlinks, etc. - with documents I definitely think we should have a way to view backlinks, and maybe more. And so again going back to the Embed Views in Rich Text feature, you would do what you’re suggesting exactly in the way that Notion currently does: by embedding one of more views in a Document (in Fibery’s case) and using the backlinks function of the doc…

I get though that you seem to be wanting Views to really become kind of a specialized Entity in a way, or at least to get some of the overall functionality of them. I’m still unsure what I think of that, but I definitely see your proposed use case as valuable. Whether your proposed solution is the right way to accomplish it is ultimately something the Fibery team will have to determine. :smiley:

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