Name Formula is not working

Unfortunately I can’t answer this question :frowning:
Seems like the only way is to try.
We have some low level limits, like database query timeout (we use postgres), etc.
It’s hard to say when those will start alerting, as it’s highly dependent your data, views configuration, etc.
The more complex your formula is, the higher chance is that it will fail with a timeout if db size is huge. We have monitoring for all this, and for the moment it’s all fine with rare exceptions.

We don’t have limits for work in automations (except scripts), but you can easily overflow your workspace with huge amount of work.
There may be other limits. Say you create a time-based rule, that is executed for all 300k entities. It will fail most likely. As I remember we limit that number to 20k.

In general we are thinking about introducing some db size limits. In order not to give falsy promises to our users. Not sure how we will proceed with existing workspaces though.
I suggest you to keep your database size around 300k limit for system to perform good enough.

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In case it makes a difference, and to inform your future policies:

I do have a LOT of data in this Workspace, being imported via a custom Integration with Zoho CRM – there are ~2M entities with lots of internal links and Formula fields.

But the actual Workspace USAGE by users is very low, because the entire purpose of the Workspace is only for generating reports on all that data, to be viewed by just a few users.

@Matt_Blais @Sergey_Truhtanov
Thanks for all the information. Need to reconsider some parts of the workspace to make sure it works well in the future.

@Sergey_Truhtanov, when using updateEntityBatch(), how do we specify entity Ids of entities to update?

Unlike updateEntity api that has signature

updateEntity(type: string, id: string, values: object): Promise<object>;

updateEntityBatch has the following api (takes 2 parameters, each entity in second entities parameter is expected to have an id)

updateEntityBatch(type: string, entities: object[]): Promise<object[]>;


await fiberyService.updateEntityBatch("Space/Type", [{"fibery/id": "someId", "Space/Name" : "updatedName"}]

Yes, that is exactly what I am doing, but still I get the error.

Here is the call I am making::

fibery.updateEntityBatch( "REPORTS/Call Stats", [
    'fibery/id': 'a02a505f-45f3-46c3-a101-1423cd18624b',
    'REPORTS/Reassociate': true
    'fibery/id': '0c017169-6182-47a5-8471-18b64ccc5e83',
    'REPORTS/Reassociate': true
    'fibery/id': '7799ac8b-b239-466c-95a4-db82e3233038',
    'REPORTS/Reassociate': true
  }, ...

6953.cab21708.chunk.js:1 [ArgumentValidationError: updateEntityBatch: entity id is not defined] {
  name: 'ArgumentValidationError'

Omg. Sorry, I didn’t notice from the beginning.
We try to allow author of the script to use field names without space names where possible.
And I’ve made this batch api with same thing in mind, so you should write

await fiberyService.updateEntityBatch("Space/Type", [{"id": "someId", "Name" : "updatedName"}]

For other fields you may use or not use space prefix. I forgot to allow this for id field, so fibery/id is not supported. Will look into fixing that. For now please use id as a key.
Btw editor should highlight your call with red, as I explicitly require id in editor interface definition.

Thanks – using “id” works :+1:

To close this Issue – the cause of the blank Name fields was that the Fibery backend took some time catching up and updating all the Formulas.

There is unfortunately no indicator in the UI to inform you that the current entity/view is still updating…