Invitation to Fibery doesn't trigger email

Invitations to fibery created by the script action do not sent end users an email invitation.
Users cannot reset password to gain access.

Current workaround: delete user (and lose any relations setup) and invite manually from users page.

What does the script look like?
How come you’re doing it with a script rather than via the UI?

How do they request a new password? What happens when they try? Are you sure an email isn’t getting spam-filtered?

Script is triggered in Candidate database when entity is moved to state Hired.

const currentEntity = args.currentEntities[0];

// Create a new user with Name and Email from the current entity
const newUser = await fibery.createEntity('fibery/user', {
    Name: currentEntity.Name,
    Email: currentEntity.Email,

I don’t know that I understand this questions I run a business that improves efficiency. I gotta practice what I preach.

I did the troubleshooting live on a call with the end user. No email, attempted password reset on the sign-in screen. Confirmed not in spam.

I’m afraid that t is not supported behaviour to create new user accounts via a script action, so it’s no surprise that the user did not get an invitation (nor could they reset their password).

Users are not ‘normal’ entities like other databases, so there are many things that you can/can’t do with them which you can’t/can do with other types.

We haven’t heard many use cases for creating new users without human intervention, hence the question.
And for those cases where user management needs to be (semi-)automated, we offer SCIM provisioning in the Enterprise plan

The provided script should fail. Could you please double-check if the user was actually created afterwards? This is not a question about email invitation; the user creation process itself should not work at all.

Well that’s unfortunate. :frowning:
I think it’s only natural if Fibery is an Applicant Tracking System, that Fibery can trigger provisioning seats. It’s more of a “why not?”, than a “why?”
That’s the use case, Using Fibery to automate new team member onboarding.

In my case, not all users will have a google workspace account so I don’t think SCIM will work for me.

The script generates a User in the Users database. Console.log of the output confirms the record ID. I can use the record anywhere in the UI where people/user fields are.
But the “user” created doesn’t actually have an account to sign in to.

FYI, SCIM is not limited to Google accounts.
I know this doesn’t solve your issue, but just for any future readers