Failed to execute Action "Script": Request path contains unescaped characters
I’m not sure what path it’s referring to. Trying:
const query = '\{findKyPhis \{id, name\}\}'
doesn’t help either.
I mean, why there isn’t a native way to get that in the automation script? It seems to me that it’s better to use webhook instead of automation scripts.
I guess there hasn’t been enough demand for it to warrant spending developer time on it.
But overall, I’m not sure what you’re trying to achieve.
You wrote
but that
Where did the list of ids to be deleted come from?
I’m curious how you can already have a list of ids to be deleted but not know whether or not there exist any entities with these ids?
I can’t immediately see what’s wrong with your code, but I’m wondering what the underlying problem to be solved is, and why you’re choosing to attempt a solution with scripting?
Is it not possible to solve with no-code automation actions?
My problem is to recalculate the intervals of insurance payment. The A database is the contracts. One of its fields is the intervals (monthly, quarterly, semi-annually, annually), and another one is a relation field to B. The B database contains all the payment periods. (This is what “Kỳ phí” means). When I change the interval of a contract, outdated periods from previous calculation are deleted and updated periods are created.
The calculation is complex enough that no-code automation action can handle. So far I have written around 300 lines of code, not to mention test cases and bundle scripts.
I understand it now. However replacing the name with encodeURIComponent("Kỳ phí") results this new error:
Failed to execute Action "Script": There are no any databases for space [Kỳ phí]