Graph Widgets into Current Views

I’m glad it worked! Columns is a brand-new feature (July 27, 2023 / Columns and :emoji: in documents, create DB faster, not much more than a month old. This kind of feedback is probably good to make on that topic, or a new one (though also if we just had Natively integrated custom CSS (and editor) for Fibery workspaces then it wouldn’t necessarily matter as much, hah). FWIW Notion columns don’t have borders either though.

As for the visibility/discoverability of this stuff, I wholeheartedly agree. I envision some kind of default state for Rich Text and Documents that lets you start typing immediately, but also shows sort of “ghosted” and maybe clickable options for example page layouts, templates, or just page features like columns. Examples could include “Dashboard” that creates a set of simple columns and embedded example Charts. Etc. Notion does an OK job here, but their page/entity creation flow is entirely different from Fibery, and Fibery’s multi-Rich Text capabilities mean it should probably work different than Notion fundamentally.