Fields applicable to all types

Hey guys @Chr1sG as well, great convo here and I hope @mdubakov and team are able to get some good ideas from all this!

First to clarify, I wanted to suggest that when we have the “show Entities of this Type in the left Menu” turned on, and thereby you can create views of each individual entity, you could get a lot of expanded potential if the actual Entity in question was more visible. Right now, as I was trying to illustrate in that screenshot, you just see the name, that’s all. The Board is the one view where you can closest emulate what’s in the “Collections” embed within Entity “cards” right now, but the benefit of narrowing down with sorts, filters, etc.

So comparing with the current way “Collections” work:

  • they draw from an entire Type: You can’t filter what you do relate, and you can’t limit what you can select from.
  • They show up on every Entity, even if there is no relation of that Entity to any Entity in the related Type
  • You will get a new Collection for each relation.

With Boards you can solve all this, in particular boards can have multiple Types that relate to an Entity

So if we simply took this existing Board functionality, and expanded what you can see from the Entity, you can get a lot closer to being able to “see” arbitrary relations within an Entity vs. currently, where you can only see the entirety of relations you set up, and each Entity must get related and show that relation in its card view.

And @Oshyan appreciate the request of Embedding in Rich Text Fields, I’ve upvoted and will give you some further feedback over there right now!