It’s not currently possible, but we have it as a feature on the roadmap
I had similar confusion around the sharing/access for guests.
I remember at one point there was a Guest dropdown option and then it went away.
Adding an email does make it feel like you are inviting them to the workspace vs. just as guest to the current entity
I continue to be excited by the whiteboard improvements.
I love Fibery for its structure and whiteboards would let you do structure + unstructured work in the same tool.
@mdubakov with “Whiteboard: Find Text”, is this referring to searching within the active whiteboard, or does this mean the whiteboard text would be searchable from the global search? Similar to finding matches from rich text fields?
Well, technically, you are creating a guest user account ‘under-the-hood’ but they will be limited to only seeing entities that are shared with them.
This, it is like find text on a whiteboard itself
We experimented with this idea and unexpectedly liked it very much, will be included into next release. Thank you @Michael_Ichter
In current State Guests vs Observers makes no real difference. If Guests should be a useful feature - we would need them to be able to perform ‘more’ actions on Entity like:
- Add New Entity
- Use Action Buttons
- Be able to ‘Add New’ Related Entities from Entity view (i.e. Tasks > Add Time Log)
Maybe I’m not skilled enough but for now I haven’t found any reasonable workaround for my contractors to add Timelogs. The only way is they have to be paid users. Am I correct?
Guests can use action buttons, but only on entities for which they have been granted update capability.
Correct. Guest can not be granted capabilities at the whole database level (which ‘Create’ is).
If someone can Create, View, Update (incl pressing buttons) and Comment etc. then wouldn’t it be fair that they are a paid user?
Or in other words, what should be the differentiation between a Guest and a Member?
If the button is Add Task - guests can’t use it. So the only ugly way to add a task is through Form which I can’t „pin” to Client workspace sidebar…
Regarding paid users vs guests … well guests can’t access Spaces
Or at least be cheaper paid users because they’ll mainly do 3 actions - create entity, comment, attach file
This is also a roadblock I have faced a few times. The fact that guests can not create entities that are linked to their shared entity makes things tricky. The only work around is making public forms. But its a bigger hassle because then if you want it it to be linked to the entity you need to send with a custom url with hidden field (which is actually worse for security). Either allowing guests to fill internal forms, or allowing them to create sub-entities.
I see what you mean that there needs to be a differentiation, I would say that the big difference is that guests can not see views and the sidebar as the rest do. They have entity level access (plus the things that are linked). They can only link their related entity to a the entity they are shared to.
While this does allow for abuse (automatically share all entities, or have the whole workspace linked to a top-level entity and only invite guests), I do see those as malicious and not intended behaviour. Something that can be flagged in TOS maybe? Or that every paid user can invite 3 guests?
Guests are incredibly valuable as a sharing mechanism, and I feel like it’s being nerfed right now just to make people pay for more members. While the people we’re working with are actually not workspace members! They are guests! External people who are collaborating. Think about clients, manufacturers, editors, volunteers helping on a project. And most importantly that they can’t see each others email addresses.
TLDR: Guests are not just less powerful members, but a powerful collaboration mechanism. If that means limit the number of guests to avoid abuse? Or have guests paid? Not sure. We don’t want workspace members, just guests that can create things within their shared entity. I hope that makes sense…?
@bgasiorowski @RonMakesSystems
Thank you for your feedback!
We’ll think harder about the problem of limited entity creation: e.g. create a Task but only in the shared Project. Now it’s all or nothing with Submitters on the Database level.
Perhaps, we can find a way to include the capability to create child entities into Entity-level access. Then it will be automatically available to Guests.
@mdubakov again gotta give props to Fibery and the team.
This feels like a hard/tricky problem for the team. I appreciate that you continue to iterate and think about the problem.
I totally support your post! Guest could be a powerful feature but it needs some buff. I’ve already said I don’t even expect guests to be totally free, I could even pay but this feature needs some love
For my team - it’s a blocker - contractors or clients not being able to Submit new requests - is a no go
I’m excited about what’s coming!
Fair warning: I will riot.
Let’s see how much you will need it when you will have Folders on the top level and can put spaces inside Folders