Done Feature Requests are not being moved to release votes!

I just noticed today that I have eight Feature Request votes in “[Done]” (text appended to the title) state that are still taking up my votes. Wtf guys? I understand some might be awaiting feedback and not truly done, but some are not, for example the whole “Implement GPT” thread: [DONE] GPT3 implementation in Fibery (share your ideas and cases)


Does that topic actually have any votes? As far as I can see, it’s in the AI category, which does not support voting.
If you wanna point us to others that you think should be closed but aren’t, please do.

It did because I just went and removed my vote before posting here! It - among others - shows if you go to “List Votes”. I don’t recall exactly how the Voting Plugin/System works, but it may be that even moving a Topic out of a Voting Category may not release a vote unless you move it to a “Done” category first or something.

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I personally can’t see the votes, but I just ‘closed’ the topic. Did it free up your vote?

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“Closing” is the correct thing to do, I believe. I think I had already removed my vote from that one, so I can’t tell if it freed up my vote. But I can point out 7 others that I think are done or nearly so that I think are still using my votes. :smile: Anything marked [Done] that is not actually “Closed” here qualifies I think: Profile - Oshyan - Fibery Community

As far as I can see, all the [DONE] ones you voted for are now closed.
Hope you can now sprinkle some extra votes in other places :slight_smile:

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Seems to have worked! I now have 9 votes available :smiley: Any way to let other people who have been out of votes for a while know that they might have some back in their “bank”?

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Well, I went and closed all open topics that were marked as done which had at least one vote.
I noticed that I got a notification about a vote being freed up, so hopefully other people will see the same: