Do not add a new field to ALL Entity Views

When creating a new field in a database, the new field appears in ALL Entity Views (all tabs).
As a result, I need to remove the field from all Entity Views except from the one I want the field to show.

I think that as good as nobody will need a new field to appear in all Entity Views. At least I never encountered that need.

Removing the new field from all Entity Views is a lot of work each time.

Also, when creating a new Entity View, it includes ALL fields. That is a lot of work to remove the fields, since the purpose of an Entity View is to focus on a clean view. Although a workaround is to clone an existing Entity View, it is not intuitive and I often end up deleting new Entity Views in order to clone an existing one.

So, the expected/desired behavior would be:

  • When Adding a new Entity View, do not populate it with any fields (or only with the default Entity View fields)
  • When creating a new field, do not include it in every Entity View.

These features are in our backlog