I’d like to be able to create new Views programmatically in actions/automations.
For example, when I create a new Client entity, I’d like to have an action/automation that creates a set of new views filtered for this new client: for example:
Table of all unfinished Tasks, ordered by due date
Hierarchical List of Projects/Websites/Pages
List of Meetings
List of Documents
I would also want to be able to organize these new views by specifying where they appear in the left sidebar.
When a Client entity is deleted, an action/automation should be able to delete the customized views that were created for that Client.
Maybe you can solve the same problem tight now just via View configuration? When you create a View for Client, you can set Every Client in a setup and when new client will be added, this view will be visible as a context view inside this client in left menu.
Ah, now I see that this option is available only in a view created within a Smart Folder. I didn’t know you could do that - very nice!
One thing that I wonder about is how can a team use this, and still be able to customize/filter/sort these views without affecting the views for every other team member?
For example, if I start with viewing a table of all open Tasks in a particular Project, then I might want to filter it for only the Tasks assigned to me, then change it to sort by Due Date, then change change it to sort by Task Priority, etc… But I don’t want my changes to affect what my teammates see.