I think this feature request is tied to the general concept of having calculations function as a part of views not as a formula field at all.
The current solution would be to create many formula fields that calculate various conditions to match a fixed set of filters. For example I have a formula that calculates the number of active sub articles in my Company manual and I display it on list views:
We’re really looking to recreate the common function in competitor tools of aggregating data about the entities in view (Sum, Avg, Count).
There’ve been several requests through the years that relate
Which is also linked to Kanban board details - WIP Limits
Fibery makes us choose between views which allow us to edit and interact with the entities, and reports which aggregate information about the entities and their properties. This is a hard transition when coming from other tools which do not offer powerful reports and so have lightweight aggregations inside the views. I think there are clearly many cases for why in-view calculations should be functions of the view and not a part of the data model.