August 8, 2024 / 🐙 Multiple Entity Views, Group notifications by entity, and moooore

:octopus: Multiple Entity Views (Pro plan only)

Multiple Entity Views allow users to create and manage multiple layouts for any database entity. For example, you can configure several Entity Views to display Feature entity differently:

NOTE: Multiple Entity Views are available in Pro and Enterprise plans only :moneybag:.

What problems it solves?

Sometimes database can be large with dozens of even hundreds of fields, and different users in different context might want to work with some subset of these fields. Few examples:

  • Feature from QA perspective and from PdM perspective can look differently.
  • Sometimes PdM wants to work on a feature spec, but sometimes just check progress.
  • Project manager sometimes want to work on project finances, but later switch to project scheduling.

Entity View configuration is pretty straightforward. Just create new Entity View, hide some fields, reorder some fields, select 1 or 2-columns layout, set default views for collections.

Check Entity View user guide, try this feature and let us know what you miss.

:open_umbrella: Group notifications by entity

(Special for Greg, Lloyd, Fab, Tim and Daniel)

Now notifications in Inbox are grouped by entity. It is especially useful when you receive a lot of notifications about some feature, task, bug, etc.

Moreover, now you can move all entity-related notifications to Done with a single click :pinched_fingers:.

:milky_way: Whiteboard: paste URL of a document, entity or view to add a card

(Special for Mircea)

Copying and pasting links to entities, documents, or views onto the whiteboard will display them as cards.

:czech_republic: Language selection for transcript

(Special for Jan)

Previously it was not possible to select a language for the video or file transcription, and auto-detection worked only for several languages. Now you can select any language from the list of 37 languages:

Button re-styling

Most buttons were re-styled to support a feeling that Fibery is a modern and cutting-edge software.

Send Email Action: Add option to specify sender name for “Send Email” action

Now you can specify sender name for Send Email action. From field was added to the action. Format of name should be name <email>.

NOTE: The email used should match the one associated with the account from which you are sending messages.

Integrations: Prevent integration entity deletion if it has any custom schema

Integration sync can cleanup entities like Source for Highlights, and it is quite dangerous, since restoration is not super easy. From now on, integration entities with ANY schema modifications will not be deleted during sync. This applies if:

  • At least one custom field has been added by an admin.
  • The entity has any rich text field.

To manage source-deleted entities, we’re introducing a Simple Text field deleted in source with values yes and no. If an entity with a modified schema is deleted in the source, the value will be set to yes. Admins can then manually delete these entities if needed. This feature ensures a safer environment for your custom data.

:shrimp: Fixed Bugs

  • Table View: Selected aggregation type and columns order do not preserve in imported template (special for Yvette).
  • Highlights: Error in suggested highlights when highlight database is renamed.
  • Inbox: Reaction emoji not visible in notification when it arrives via live updates.
  • Permissions: A user with read-only access can’t add inline comments to documents.
  • Integrations: Custom Slack emojis are displayed correctly in entity views.
  • Mention with an anchor: No scroll to document mention when there embeds in a document.
  • Mobile: User can’t add new checklist items or paragraphs in a rich text field on a mobile phone
  • Whiteboard:
    • ‘Fields’ should not be shown when group of cards with different type is selected
    • Lines with anchor points get messed up when dragging
    • Focus does not return to whiteboard when interacting with settings and zoom menu
    • Relations Links pops up to foreground after page refresh

Amazing update, especially Multiple Entity Views and Group Notifications :drooling_face:

On the topic of buttons, are there any plans to allow the ability to change the style of a URL field to a button? I noticed a “Display As” option for links but it appears they currently only have “Input” as an option.


Yes, there are plans. We are going to do it in some future


Great to hear.

Already have feedback for multiple views! Ability to “Duplicate” a view so that in cases where we’re simply adding or removing fields, we don’t have to rebuild from scratch.


Any chance we’ll add the ability to filter notifications by Database?

Allow Field collection views to have unique fields and filters per Entity View

use case:
Assuming that this feature will allow specific user groups to see specific Entity Views:

  • For a more public facing entity, I like the viewers to NOT see specific fields in field collections of their Entity View.
  • The same applies to different user roles (manager, developer, team member) not needing to see specific information listed in a field collection view.

Having to create multiple extra fields in the database to accomplish this, is a performance hog and makes databases very complex.


Thank you so much for fixing these bugs! :heart::heart:

And again: awesome update :heart_eyes:

As mentioned this morning I hope we will have some solution for information overload on pages in the basic version as well :pray:t2:

This is the best update ever! The Fibery team is amazing!! This feature is making me rethink a lot of my company’s workspace.

Apart from feedback that has been shared elsewhere (conditional defaults), I would love an “exclude all” option for fields. New views default to show all fields. This makes sense overall, but for my bigger databases, I’d rather click an “exclude all” button and start from a blank page.


Great idea, I think we will do it soon


Why is setting “Sync to Manual” required for this and what would happen if I didn’t change sync settings, e.g. when running a scheduled automation every hour looking for “yes” and deleting the entry while the automated sync is running?

My bad, it appeared Sync to Manual is not required at all, so your solution will work


I have to give you guys props. For such a small change this makes all of my views/entities look significantly cleaner. I’ve stopped several times yesterday/today just to admire the buttons :joy:


Begrudgingly upgraded to a Pro account today so we could start using entity views.

Some quick feedback:

  • Need to be able to duplicate a view. It says in the documentation that you can, but I’m not seeing that option. On the same subject, can you please add the option to duplicate relationship views as well?

  • I was expecting that each entity view would have it own set of relationship views, but it doesn’t seem to be the case as they’re being shared across every entity view. Is that feature on the roadmap? Most of the information in our entities is displayed via relationship views so it’s important that those views, filters, levels, etc can be tied to the entity view that is selected.

  • Putting the “view changer” drop down in the top right seems a bit odd, since I assume some users will be changing the view frequently and want to be more integrated into their flow. Would putting it next to the entity name or as a single select style field in the fields column work better?

  • I get that this is an MVP, but is the option to automatically load a certain view based on conditional logic coming in the future? Use case: If user.role = Production Manager, default view = A, else if user.role = Production Staff, default view = B.

This is coming in the next release

The solution is here Default relation view. You can set a relation view that is visible by default for any Entity View

Here we are not sure. Give it few days and see how it goes.

Yes, right now we are collecting cases, since we have at least 3 solutions. Nothing is certain, but in some future it will be done. But not in the next few weeks.

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Thanks, this is helpful to know.

When a user changes away from the default, the entity view seems to remember the one they changed to forever unless they manually change back to the default, is this the intended behavior, or should the default relationship view be reloaded every time the entity view changes?

This is the intended behaviour - we assume that if a user deliberately changed to a different view, they want to stick with that choice.

I have been looking around for the ability in settings to return to the previous set up with Notifications. My need for this is to be able to see more current notifications on the screen. With this new feature, I am seeing several comments on each entity, most of which are older, if that entity has a history of comments. This pushes the newest notifications off my screen, so it takes me longer to scroll through the latest updates. Previously when I was only seeing the top notification from each entity, I could see at a glance all the newest notifications across my Fibery instance.

Would you consider giving the option to toggle on and off this new unfurling of the notifications on each entity?

Also could you explain how old the notifications can go back that will pull up when new one is posted? I am seeing as old as 3 months ago.

And is there any rule around read/unread notifications that pull up? I seem to be seeing some that are read, and unread. For example, I have an entity in the inbox that has a new notification. Below I have 4 previous notifications (comments), one is read, two are unread. It might be useful to just show the unread ones, because again otherwise I’m losing screen real estate to something I’ve already seen.

Thanks guys!

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We can do it only if we will have some demand. So far this is the first request like that, if we will get more eventually we will add this option.

Notifications are visible until you move the to Later or Done.

It can happen if these notifications were not processed (moved to Done)

Ok thanks @mdubakov.

Here is a good example of what I’m talking about:

With the multiple comments on each entity, I can only see 2 new updates at a glance because the older comments have unfurled, some as old as 6 days ago. Previously with just the latest update I could see a bunch more without having to move focus to the inbox and scroll. If you could toggle back on the old way of displaying updates it would be very helpful to see more of what’s going on at a glance.

Thoughts @Matt_Blais ? I notice you were looking here…
