April 4, 2024 / One-column Entity View layout, mirrored context Folders

That’s awesome :star_struck:

My bad, I had a view with no descriptions :sweat_smile: Awesome that it’s visible now!

Can understand that. Don’t want to be in your shoes :sweat_smile: It’s hard to pick the best solution.

That would be really helpful when people want to switch. But we still need to have a look per databases what’s best in the new situation.

Also really curious if there are plans to change the full width option or not at all. Since else we need to change all views manually.

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That was actually the initial idea that got discarded in favour of one-to-one Field-to-Entity-View-element mapping. We’ll revisit the option to create arbitrary (context) Views on Entity View after the next bunch of improvements.

While I see how in experienced hands this might work great, we try to avoid complex layouts like this since it’s easy to mess them up and get a bad end-user UX.

:soon: :wink:


I would also request (like a few other people have already in this topic) that the main column be allowed to have “sub-columns” inside of it and those sub columns could hold anything (to one relationships, to many relationships, standard fields, buttons, docs, whiteboards, etc).

Maybe the standard “layout template” for everyone is pretty simple so new users wouldn’t get overwhelmed by having to create a custom layout before they could actually see anything, but a “Entity Layout” builder that could work similarly to drag & drop webpage builders or email builders and could be leveraged by more advanced users to truly customize layouts would be awesome. It would really remove the need to even have separate “main” and “compact/right” columns at all.


Fibery wasn’t mobile friendly, but it was possible to add a new item and fill in some fields. This isn’t possible anymore if you have a 1 column lay-out. Can this be fixed :crossed_fingers:t2:?


We’ll polish the mobile 1-column layout. Thanks for the heads-up!