Table view Description field / Rich Edit fields in Table View

Hi, Arthur!
Finally, Document&Entity sharing are here :slight_smile:
You can check the details here

Just want to let you know that I’m also in the queue of waiting for this feature “Enable Rich Text Entity in Table View”. Thanks


This is something that I, too, am very interested. There are a few use cases, the most obvious to me being:

  1. Sharing a table of Story and Description both:
    • With other Fibery users
    • Exporting to CSV/XL to share with non Fibery Users
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Sorry if I missed when this was released, but I just noticed now that you can add “Description” as a column in Table view:

I’m glad to see attention to this need. However, I’d like to still request that the actual text be visible in that field. The solution now allows for you to click that “page” icon and open a window with just a view of the Rich Text field. However, in our case most Rich Text Fields are at the top of an Entity, so this is not really any more helpful than simply clicking “open” at the left of the table.

I had some screenshots in this request that appears to have been deleted:

and the other posts above where I reference the Coda implementation also show some of this.

In summary, I’d still like to be able to read the contents of those Rich Text fields, or at least the beginnings of them via a snippet of text, when viewing them in Table View.

And just for the sake of the newcomers to this thread (thanks for supporting with votes!) of @corey.goss and @sohee, this request would also help this need:

If you could use those smaller fields with more Rich Text options, such as # entity mentions, you’d accomplish something similar.

I do hope you guys are still considering full visibility of the content of Rich Text fields in Table view, as well as in Collections - which is also a requested area.



A post was split to a new topic: Column autofit in table view

Up this topic.

My use case:

  • project entity
  • many fields, connections, etc. inside it
  • 2 important fields for stakeholders: status (red, amber, greed) and status update (rich text field).

If I could do easy to read status dashboard, I tried to create table view and show project | status | status update (text) → but gets very unsable.

Would be sooo nice to be able to read the rich text field context from the table view to satisfy this or similar use case!

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Same here. It feels weird you can preview the textfield and not the description:

Screenshot 2023-05-08 at 19.38.34

Use case
In a table, I want to quickly scan at a glance the content of the description without having to open each row one by one.

A truncated description would be good enough


Related, hoping this will be addressed soon: