NEW RELEASE July 14, 2022 / ☀️🌚 Dark/Light Themes, Send email action, Links to headers, Convert links to mentions, Editable fields on all views, performance fixes

:sunny::new_moon_with_face: Dark/Light Themes (beta)

You may try the new Dark Theme! Click on the left top menu → Theme and choose between Light and Dark themes. Dark theme is in beta, so you may encounter weird UI in some rare places. We are going to fix them based on your feedback in the next releases.

NOTE: Please, refresh the browser tab after the new theme, since the browser cache may affect what you see.

:e-mail: Send Email Action

Now you can use Send Email action in Automation Rules and Action Buttons. You have to connect your Gmail or SMTP account to do that.

For example, here we setup an action button to send emails to selected Accounts (every account has Email field, note how we map it in To field using {{Email}} syntax):

Then you can go to Accounts table and send emails like this:


:ghost: Convert links to Fibery Entities and Views into mentions

Now when you paste a link to a Fibery entity or view, you can convert it into reference link by clicking a new Mention action. You can also click on any existing Fibery link and convert it into a reference.


:link: Link to header

Now you can give a link to exact header in any document or entity with a rich text field. Just hover your cursor over a header and click small icon on the right → a link to the header will be copied to the clipboard. Send it to anyone.


Context Reports

Context Reports were experimental in the previous release, now they are enabled by default. Go ahead and create some reports in Smart Folders! You can also better control the context path in the reports.

Experimental: Editable Fields on all Views

You may try to enable a mode where fields in all views become editable: Board, Timeline, Calendar, List.

Navigate to the top left menu → Experimental FeaturesEditable Fields on Views. Enjoy.


NOTE: This mode may affect performance of the large views, we are working on it. Please report any found bug here.

:butterfly: Improvements

  • First load experience improved for all views.
  • We introduced more restrictive limits on entities count in Views (1500 instead of 3000).
  • We reduced data size from ~10Mb in most cases to ~1Mb.
  • API rate limits added. Rate-limited requests will return a Too Many Requests error (HTTP response status 429). The rate limit for incoming requests is 3 requests per second.

:shrimp: 16 Fixed Bugs

  • Error on sorting in context view
  • Vizydrop: access to reports is broken after move report to another app ( space)
  • Anchor is not removed when adding document to favourites
  • It’s impossible to convert paragraph which consists of references only to checklist
  • Failed GitLab sync after deleting one of DB used there
  • Integration hangs in some case when internet connection is not stable
  • Error while sharing Spaces with pages and nested views
  • It’s impossible to sync Integration Space if delete one of DBs used there
  • Rename Update text in Reports
  • Object Editor is stuck if opening newly created entity or loading entity using ID
  • Units in mentions are not editable
  • When creating a checklist with /checklist, it does it on a new line letting a empty line before
  • No tooltip appears when hover on Actions button in Table toolbar
  • Extra line break when copy a content from the table cell to external document
  • Units in some mentions are editable for read-only users
  • Fix UI for weekly and monthly scheduled rules

*testing the dark theme*
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My eyes thank you for this!

:link: Link to header

Experimental: Editable Fields on all Views

OMG, its like this entire release was made for me.


When using the API you might need to do additional requests to get ids first and such and that 3 requests per second might be hit very fast but following that there won’t be many other requests.

Why not putting like 180 requests/minute?

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In fact, you batch your requests. Our Api supports multiple commands per request. So they you batch in terms of Data and Commands
We recommend using some throttle libraries, e.g. p-throttle - npm, to wrap function which makes calls to Fibery API

we’re using integromat. Not even sure if it’s possible to do that with Integromat… easy it’s not for sure. You’re forcing us to waste days to find a way to throttle it with that tool and this is not just for our case, you’ll making things difficult for other users as well.

We keep the data of our users in sync with Fibery and this out of sudden becomes a very big limitation for us, we don’t know anymore if all the data is in sync or not.

To be honest, we haven’t tried that workaround yet, but maybe it will be helpful Retry Help Docs | Integromat Help Center :hugs:

If you know that your Integromat scenario is likely to trip the API rate limit, you could add a ‘sleep’ module in between successive calls to Fibery to prevent this.

Overall 3-5 requests per seconds are very typical rate limits in many SaaS vendors (Notion, Airtable, etc), so we did not invent anything new here and just get market standard. Not sure how to handle it better…

I’m really enjoying editable fields in all views. Really awesome update.

Question: I didn’t see anywhere on the roadmap for editable fields to be auto-filtered by relationships, like it is in a table view. Is this planned?

I am not sure I get the question. Can you provide some more details please?

For example, certain databases I use formula names. But I would love to add new entities on a list view without going back to a table view or into the entity page to create that formula name. Editable fields makes this super easy, but when I click on the editable relationship field, it doesn’t automatically filter based on automatic lookups of that parent line (screenshot#1). But if I click on this same relationship in table view, it has those automatic filters (screenshot#2).


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I guess you’re referring to what we sometimes call hierarchical relations:

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Awesome thanks Chris. So do you know if adding hierarchical relations to editable fields in non-table views is planned or possible?

We consider the lack of such behavior a bug, which will be fixed in the next several weeks.


Two problems with this great feature:

  1. It does not appear to be available in Documents – only Rich Text entity fields.

  2. If I insert a link to a heading in the same Rich Text field, it always opens a new browser tab. It would be much preferable to simply jump to the heading within the same Rich Text field (and if it’s currently collapsed, it would need to be unfolded, of course). Similarly, if the link goes to a different entity in the same Workspace, it would be preferable to have it open in a new panel instead of a new browser tab.

  1. It works in Documents. Can you provide a gif/video where it doesn’t?
  2. Indeed we considered this scenario but it was relatively hard to implement (~1 week), so we decided to wait for some feedback :slight_smile:
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So, I think it works in Documents but not in Pages. Looks like that’s a page you’re showing in the video.


Yes, exactly. Which just highlights that the “Documents” vs. “Pages” nomenclature is rather confusing. :wink: I’m hoping/assuming these concepts get merged at some point once the block work is complete…

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