The way the bulk editing of the particular fields also can be done using automation buttons. Please find the example below of bulk changing state, assignees using automations and Ask User option.
+1 for more first-class quick editing of multiple selected entities a la ClickUp or Shortcut (formerly Clubhouse . io).
We deal with a large number of entities and being able to quickly tag/update several things at once is essential. The bulk edit form above is a great workaround but I don’t like having to maintain several automations if you want to just bulk edit one field at a time.
My current work around is that in table view you can select a single cell, copy its value with Ctrl + C and then drag select multiple cells and paste with Ctrl + V.
Shift selecting is still sorely missed: you can neither shift select individual cells nor shift select rows in the table view which would make this workaround so much nicer.
The problem with this is that you need to know in advance what you want to allow being bulk edited, and you can’t only edit some fields of the ones you setup to bulk edit.
@mdubakov Would it be possible to give an idea of a timeline to set one field for the entire selection? (so you select what field to set and then the normal field interaction dialog pops up, which gets applied to all)
I might be missing something, as it seems like we are running into this almost daily The cases are too disparate to use automation for, and I don’t understand how others aren’t running into this issue. (there’s only so much the grid/table view can do without having to constantly swap filters to the point it’s almost more user friendly to assign things one at a time.)
E.g.: going through the backlog and tagging/assigning, or assigning to sprints. Or in logistics where devices get marked as shipped or returned etc.
I won’t speak to timeline, but I’m curious to understand the use cases where you need to change a lot of items of the same type to the same value (but where it isn’t a repetitive task that would benefit from automation)?
I can imagine during initial setup, you might want to bulk set values for a whole load of items, but I’m curious about the everyday use cases.
We often hear a common use case of bulk assigning unfinished tasks to the next sprint when the current sprint closes, but this is usually made a simple/pleasant experience with a button automation.
I don’t get why this implies bulk update. Do you get a whole load of items returned unexpectedly?
If you need to mark a load of items as shipped, wouldn’t a button rule be nice? Presumably, there is something that connects these items (same order, same customer, …?) and you could just click a button for that order/customer.
I can imagine during initial setup, you might want to bulk set values for a whole load of items, but I’m curious about the everyday use cases.
This feels like I’m going against an ideological design decision then, making it good that I ask!
Am I understanding correctly that in your view within Fibery mass editing values is not something you should be doing?
For me this is very far out the norm because while full automation is an ideal (that I personally strive towards), it often falls apart in real world as chaos of processes changing / being learned or data being incomplete (especially in a startup environment) - which necessitates manual work at times.
Our daily flow is to go through the inbox and categorize incoming issues on department/product - automatic classification often fails or data entry is partial, needing manual correction. My process in clickup now is to multi-select and assign to prod/dep or priority. The process there because of CTRL, SHIFT & CTRL+SHIFT is a lot of clicks less than a shadow process I’m doing in Fibery.
Quarterly I go through the backlog of ~25 products to per example:
Update priority based on user feedback
(re)Assignment to release or definition of releases.
Logistics prep about 30-50 devices per day, which have manual components to the process - but which are done in real-life batch fashion that are “hard” to integrate with automation. (moving between certain stages such as unboxing/labelling/install prep)
“Hard” here could also mean that the work done to automate this could simply not be in bandwidth at the moment, and being able to batch edit things avoids at least the pain of the individual mark.
Other than that there’s upgrade processes, or splitting up data if you find that your initial classification is incorrect. (We’re splitting up a project and moving tasks or features across)
I’m honestly a bit taken aback by the question!
It feels like from your perspective there are no reasons to do batch editing?
@rickcogley If I understand correctly what you’re looking for, you can already do a limited version of “bulk field editing” in both Grid and Table View.
Copy a single cell (Ctrl+C) or any text value to your system clipboard
Select multiple cells within a single column (via Shift+cursor up/down, or Ctrl+Click)
Paste (Ctrl+V)
This will paste the value from your system clipboard into all the selected cells.
In Grid view only, you can also make discontinuous selections via Ctrl+Click, and paste into all of them at once. This will also work with multiple columns/fields selected, so you can copy and paste multiple fields/columns from one entity to a bunch of selected other entities/rows in a single operation.
Using a temporary View filter is often effective to display only the specific set of records you want to bulk edit – then it’s relatively easy to select all the fields before applying your Paste operation.
I have also in the past made a custom Button just to allow me to update a number of field values at once in the currently-selected records (again, in a Table/Grid view, where you would first select the entities of interest, then use the Button to specify new field values for them).
To us an issue is that the UX around selection feels bad.
Note: I evaluated this 2 months ago, and it seems that most of my biggest issues have been fixed so I need to revisit how this now feels in daily use, but the following is still an issue:
I can’t use SHIFT to select a range of rows in the index column
CTRL or SHIFT does not work in selecting value rows. (You mention Ctrl+Click, but it doesn’t work in Table view)
Only mouse drag works.
CTRL click visually selects the entire row of all previous rows, but only the cell selected for the new row - causing confusion.
SHIFT click only works if you click from top to bottom - it clears on bottom to top?
If you copy and past a value into a single target relationship, you get a surprise moment where the rows seem to update to the value, having random fields empty - which get properly cleared on refresh (very minor)
(Previously I could not properly select because clicking on the label didn’t work, but this seems fixed.)
As far as I see, bulk-creating values is supported in tables but not (entirely) in grids:
If I copy a range of cells in google sheets and paste it in a single cell in fibary table, the table automatically expands to include new values. This does not happen in a grid. Pasting in a grid is only possible if the rows (entities) are already pre-created, am I correct?