Fibery for knowledge management, what I desire

I think it’s unrealistic to expect that Fibery will decide/declare up front what pricing tier will apply for all the yet-to-be-developed features, and I’m not sure when is the most appropriate time to mention it for any given feature.
When development starts? A week before launch? A day before? :person_shrugging:

Also, Fibery has tended to release an MVP of a feature (sometimes as experimental) and then add more sophisticated functionality. This could mean that the pricing tier choice seems steep for the initial release, but this way is probably preferable to the alternative - releasing a feature in one tier and then elevating to a higher tier as the feature comes out of experimental/functionality improves (a mistake made once already :grimacing: ).

As has been discussed in other topics in this forum before, the definition of what is ‘essential functionality’ or ‘table stakes’ can vary from user to user.
In general, Fibery is priced so that users should feel like they’re paying a fair amount for the value they’re getting, but there’s always people who will feel that it’s a bit overpriced (but hopefully a lot of people who think it’s great value).

This sounds like a classic PKM use case, which as Michael has said, is not the Fibery target.

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