Dates as first class citizens

Something that I would like to propose that the folks at Fibery give some consideration is to promote dates to more of a first class role in Fibery.

What I hope for is that dates are automatically created as entities within their own default database/space. Currently I have to do this manually and it is a pain, especially with there being a lack of good date formulas and such. Also, if I want to link to a date in the future, I have to first create it, then link. Not to mention the work I have to do for weeks/months/quarters/years and relating those together. I know I’m not the first person on this forum to try to create spaces to handle dates.

There are apps that have the idea of a “DNP” or daily notes page which serves as the central jumping off point to everything else. So everyone can simply work within the page for the current day and link to other entities from there. Imo, Fibery already struggles with not having great dashboards/a home page, and this could somewhat fill that role.

Anytime a date is linked in an entity, in notes or fields, I want it to be automatically shown on the corresponding date page/entity. They should also be shown and collected in the related week, month, quarter and year entities. Then it’s super easy to do things like reviews and goal planning (my pkm use cases) and I’m sure other small business related actions.

TLDR: Dates are one of my most central primitives, almost all of my work happens there, and I think they should be considered as built-in entities in fibery.


Hard agree! Looks like they are already thinking about something of this type. Hopefully there will be a rich discussion about how it could work before implementation.

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