I appreciate the response, Michael.
When you provided a glimpse into the internal feature weight and categorization here with your link to the live tracking of your guys’ own Fibery Product Area set up, I wondered if you couldn’t integrate that more into a public-facing area where users can actually see the difference between what’s here in the community, and what you guys are actually working on. In particular, the difference in weight between what’s here in Discourse, and the actual weight you have assigned requests officially. You have provided another glimpse into your internal roadmap now, so I am wondering this again.
For example, you showed in your table “Rich Text or multi-line text in Table View” as a top item that is for now on hold. I’m very glad to see it’s even that high up, as this is a big item for my particular use case, that I think a lot of others have supported, but it remained hard to figure out where it was on your guys’ priority list. Now I feel much better seeing where it actually is.
I don’t think Canny is great either, but it does allow those using it to publicly communicate what they are working on, votes aside, with just a few simple statuses like “planned” and “in progress” etc. You guys occasionally manually mark up certain Feature Requests with a similar status, but I can’t figure out when you do this for a request, and when you don’t. And there’s no way to see in one place all the items in the same Status. For example, I’d like to be able to see in one area all the “Planned” items together. There are many teams that even use Trello boards to do this, such as here:
There’s no need to count user votes with a solution like this, it’s just a nice way for the users to see what’s being worked on, what’s next, etc. You have basically teased such a view for users a few times now…
At any rate, I’d really like to have a way to see live a view just like you provided here. Perhaps if you guys incorporated that into the community, it could be the beginnings of your “Idea Portal” solution to match those of ProductBoard and Aha? Count my big vote for a feature like that!